I'm going to try and do this again. I haven't done this for so long that I know I am telling absolutely no one, so this is a bit weird, like shouting in a secluded wood to point out to yourself how alone you are. But alas we should all start somewhere. I think I was half inspired by my own ego, which is very bad isnt it? I read some blog that people were going "Oh this is keen" and "What splendid scrawlings" and more things, and I basically went "The crap I write is better crafted, funnier, more handsome, stronger, mightier and many more innappropriate positive adjectives than these trite and taudry selfcentred scrawlings, I'm going to show em what for!" . So here I am to show em what for. This may make me a bad person, with a high regard for the workings of my mind, but by heck loves, I just dont care, would someone who cares this little be writing a blog to a regular readership of no one? Huh? HUH! Of course I wouldnt. I dont know, if you find me starting writing this thing again because of my own high regard for myself then please maybe think of this as a replacement for ceefax or something. Check here for motorway delays, the weather and FA Cup latest scores...who ever you are...
I have nothing to say now, so this isnt coming back with a bang or anything, but I'm sure I'll think of something soon. So check back then.
Matt Boyle